Friday 22 May 2009

Trik untuk Flood Picture atau Photo di Mig33

Ngeflood barang ilegal dalam mig33…gw aja paling gerah dengan
flooder:pirat:..Buat sekedar share aja nih…boleh juga..TRIK Flood
menggunakan PIct/photo kamu…..Ikuti langkah-langkah nya :
korban =>Menu => Send Photo => From Scrapbook, pilih pict
=> Send to Contact. Setelah “Photo Sent!” => Menu => Send
Di sini qta jgn pilih “From Scrapbook”. Langsung tekan
“Back” ntar otomatis akan balik ke “My Scrapbook” [tanpa menunggu
loading...] ke pict yg td ke sent [disini qta bs ganti dgn pict laen].
=> Send to Contact. Balik lg ke Menu => Send Photo => Back
=> Send to Contact. Ulangi teruz sampai qta merasa ckup.
Inget flood ini sangat beresiko jadi jangan melakuin nya dengan seenak hati apalagi sam teman kamu:evil: Tips huma :
* Pilih pict yg ukuran kb nya paling kecil biar tidak boros dan berat.
* Jgn pv teman yg telah di add lewat room, karna pict tak akan tersend. Langsung pv lewat contact list.
Bisa gunakan dgn “hold gprs”. Siapkan di “Send to Contact” lakukan
“Free call”, tekan Send to Contact >> Menu >> Send Photo
>> back >> dstna.
Cara hold gprs tdk bisa send bynk pict, kalo kelamaan hold bisa dc.
* Untuk hasil maksimal gunakan sjboy & wpe pro.
* Gunakan dgn “BIJAK”, atau kamu akan di “BL0CK” & dimusuhi teman.
So….kamu mesti hati-hati……

Thursday 21 May 2009

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Facebook news

Facebook has been hit by another hacking attack, as a phishing campaign was used to steal passwords from users of the social networking site.

Facebook spokesman Barry Schnitt said that the site was in the process of cleaning up damage from the attack, and that that Facebook was blocking compromised accounts.

Schnitt declined to say how many accounts had been compromised.

The hackers got passwords through what is known as a phishing attack, breaking into accounts of some Facebook members, then sending e-mails to friends and urging them to click on links to fake websites.

Those sites were designed to look like the Facebook home page. The victims were directed to log back in to the site, but actually logged into the one controlled by the hackers, unwittingly giving away their passwords.

The fake domains include, and Facebook has deleted all references to those domains.

Schnitt said that Facebook's security team believes the hackers intended to collect a large number of credentials, then use those accounts at a later time to send spam hawking fake pharmaceuticals and other goods to Facebook members.

The site fought off a similar attack two weeks ago, he said.

Hackers used a phishing attack last year to spread a malicious virus known as Koobface, a reference to Facebook. It was downloaded onto Facebook members' PCs when they clicked on a link sent to them in an email that looked like it had been sent by a friend on Facebook.